Mariah Carey's In Charge Of Her Divorce! She's Keeping Nick Cannon From Saying One More Thing About Their Split! Divorces in Hollywood are
rarely easy. And Mariah Carey's separation with Nick Cannon is just one to add to the bunch because things are not going smoothly. While Nick spoke out yesterday for the first time, confirming he is living separately from Mariah as they are having marital problems, it looks like that is all he will be saying about the split because that's all he's ALLOWED to say about the split. We hear their lawyers have come up with a confidentiality agreement in dealing with talk about their divorce, but it's all favoring Mariah. He apparently can't say a thing about their divorce or he'll face financial penalties. Luckily, he can confirm they're living separately, as he already did. However, Mariah isn't facing the same situation as she can announce the divorce. And it sounds like that might come soon considering a property agreement and child custody have already been determined. Mariah just better hope those financial penalties are harsh enough because we all know Nick has some money of his own AND he sure does love to gab! Read more: